Challenger Investment Management is an alternative investment manager covering a global opportunity set in credit. The Challenger Investment Management Fixed Income team believe that high income, diversifying and defensive portfolios can be constructed by taking a multi-sector approach to credit investing across both public and private markets. By having broad mandates which incorporate both public and private credit they seek to identify and exploit pricing inefficiencies across credit, liquidity and complexity risks.
The team looks to minimise capital volatility and maintain consistent income by avoiding interest rate and currency risks and keeping spread duration relatively short compared to more traditional credit income strategies.
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Ox Capital Management
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Vanguard isn’t owned by public shareholders. It’s owned by the people who invest in our funds. Our owners …
Challenger Investment Management
Challenger Investment Management is an alternative investment manager covering a global opportunity set in credit. The Challenger Investment …
T. Rowe Price
As a premier global asset manager, we identify and actively invest in opportunities to help people thrive in …